Quando as Catedrais eram Brancas, notas breves sobre arquitectura e outras banalidades, por Pedro Machado Costa

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O despropósito, versão UK

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Sem que nada o fizésse anunciar, o Despropósito revela-nos um seu alter ego bretão: youyouidiot:
I’ve already discussed ZHA a number of times here, often in regards to unwittingly interesting things that they’ve done, such as the accidental brutalism of LF1 and the Wolfsburg museum (which I shall only even consider visiting once it has become seriously rotten) and I suppose that this counts as a continuation of the series. The more I think about it though, the more I consider just how truly ridiculous an architectural practice they are, the more I’m beginning to think that she, Patrick and all the rest of them are geniuses after all, just not at all in the way that they would like to think that they are. ZHA are conceptual architects, not because their ideas are particularly intelligent (bet you can't wait to have PS tell us what it’s all about), but because their over-attachment to a certain architectural ideology leads to results that are so ludicrous that they tell you far more about the world in which they appear than a more serious, successful piece of architecture could. Like Jeff Koons or Damien Hirst, the success of their blatant shit-ness speaks volumes about the state of their field, its ideologies and economies.
A seguir.

3 comentários:

AM disse...

linkado em seu devido tempo em:
provavelmente (...) uma das melhores postas de sempre de toda a "blogosfera de arquitectura" (ou não)
outras almas diriam que o ODP é mais assim a modos que uma a-versão tuga (desqualifica) do Owen, mas este idiota é mesmo cá dos meus
para qualquer dúvida, aliás, é só comparar esta (http://odesproposito.blogspot.com/2009/05/arquitectura-letra.html) com esta (http://youyouidiot.blogspot.com/2010/04/more-thoughts-on-twisted-thing.html)

alma disse...

Não confundir alter ego com a empatia e memória eidéctica do AM :)))

AM disse...

eidéctico é o elefante
isto não é a AR :)
