Quando as Catedrais eram Brancas, notas breves sobre arquitectura e outras banalidades, por Pedro Machado Costa

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Lucky Strike

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Beinecke Rare Book Library, New Haven, 1963, Gordon Bunshaft

The simplest thing I can say is I’m very pleased with what I did with my life. I think it was due to several things. One, that I had a dedicated family that saw that I had every opportunity to learn and be educated. Two, that I think I had a fairly sound mind that was not too poetic but had a good deal of logic. And, three, that I lived at the right time as far as architecture was concerned. There are probably more reasons, but perhaps the most important thing of all is that I persevered stubbornly on what I believed. Last, and probably more important than any of them is that I was very lucky.

Bunshaft, in Oral history of Gordon Bunshaft / interviewed by Betty J. Blum, compiled under the auspices of the Chicago Architects Oral History Project, Department of Architecture, the Art Institute of Chicago.

5 comentários:

alma disse...

É mesmo Lucky :)

alma disse...

Sempre tive curiosidade em visitar esta biblio :)com lucky :) irei ...

lc disse...

Também tem outras obras interessantes... a casa travertino, entretanto demolida e o museu Hirshhorn. Algumas das obras com a SOM também são muito boas, especialmente a Lever House.

Franchise disse...


Quando as Catedrais eram Brancas disse...

Belas fotos, as que Franchise nos trouxe
